ChiCTR注册号: Reg No. in ChiCTR: |
NCT06769685 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
研究题目: |
TPO联合TPORA治疗实体肿瘤 II度以上CTIT的有效性 |
Study title: |
TPO Combined with TPORA for Solid Tumors Effectiveness of CTIT Above Degree II |
注册状况: Registration: |
True |
注册机构: |
clinicaltrials |
Name of the Registry: |
clinicaltrials |
项目负责人: |
傅健飞 |
Corresponding person: |
Jianfei Fu |
电话: Telephone: |
13586988331 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
电子邮件 | |
通讯地址: |
浙江省金华市婺城区人民东路365号 |
Address: |
365 Renmin East Road, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province |
邮政编码 Postcode |
321000 |
项目负责人所有单位: |
Affiliated Jinhua Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine |
Institution: |
Affiliated Jinhua Hospital of Zhejiang University |
批准本研究的伦理委员会名称: |
金华市中心医院医学伦理审查委员会 |
Name of the ethic committee: |
Medical Ethics Review Committee of Jinhua Municipa |
研究疾病: |
Study Ailment: |
研究所处阶段: Study phase: |
上市后 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
研究类型: Type of Study: |
诊断准确性试验 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
研究团队: |
傅健飞 |
Research team: |
Jianfei Fu |
研究实施地点: Site of Study: |
预计起止时间: Planned Duration: |
2025/1/1 0:00:00-2025/6/30 0:00:00 |